Monday, December 12, 2016


here in college
it's as if nobody knew i was a loser in highschool and everyone wants to be friends.

they're more shallow than the kitty pool and
i dont think they've ever gone skin deep.

personalities made of expectations and empty fridays.
lost in snapchat filters and instagram captions.
clawing away at their hearts.
trying to feel something.

this is for all of you.
just be yourself for only yourself.
dont try to change who you are.

fall in love with yourself.
fall in love with your uniqueness.
fall in love with your scars and the way they fill your empty spaces.
fall in love with your past and every aspect of the present.

look side to side and up and down.
accept that your backwards and inside out. 

disregard anyone that says you need to be something you're not,
because there is infinite beauty in who you really are.

and once you do this,
the people that truly matter will come into your life.
and you can laugh at the absurdity of it all.


  1. I enjoy your blog so much
    and your writing is too good.

    Sidenote: I'm keeping your blog open in the background just so I can keep listening to your playlist, lol.

  2. I certainly thought you were one of the coolest people in high school .
