Wednesday, April 26, 2017

im sorry

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you're all disappointed in me.
i get it.
i would have been too.
i just can't change who i am
i just can't kick up these roots.
they're too deep.

i took my mask off and you weren't pleased in the least bit by what you saw.
the moon didn't even smile at me last night.

you all thought i was different.

you were wrong.

Sunday, April 2, 2017

my truth

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what is my truth?
the truth is i don't know what the hell i'm doing.
you wander and wander and at some point you realize you're lost.
completely alone.
alone in this fragile landscape made of glass.

my heart is a brick.
floating in my chest. 
just waiting to fall into my rib bones.
i pray that it gets better. 
but it won't.

if i tied this brick to my ankles, do you think i'd float?

truth is that my mind is made of spaghetti.
tangles and strings.
knots tied around my eyes like a blind fold.
i can't see the world smear as i fall.

i inhale glaciers and exhale shadows.
every breath is heavy.
and hot.
like i'm a house on fire.

burn me down to the ground.
and kick through the ashes.

truth is i spend my days in this room.
day after day.
after day.
miles and miles of days.

till the day that it all stops.

everything stops.